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5 ways to grow your Facebook page

Jo Evans

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Emerald Frog Marketing is celebrating its 5 year anniversary! For five weeks, we are posting five blogs posts containing five top tips. Here’s our fourth instalment:

So you have just created your own Facebook page for your business? What now?  Well, the truth is, it takes time and commitment to build up a dedicated community. As well as a quality service you must be prepared to build up close knit relationships with all visitors. In our opinion, it’s all about the quality not the quantity!

There are a few things you should consider doing to get you started.

1. Prepare quality posts and engagement 

If you want your page to be liked then you must make it “likeable”. Ensure your page has consistent, fresh content that will be of interest to the people that have come to look at your brand. Take time to find interesting articles that you can share with your community that will generate further interest and potential debate. Try to spark debates within the community and be on hand to also get involved in the discussions.

2. Reward your loyal followers 

Think of ways to reward people for liking your page or sharing your page such as discounts and a shout outs for members of the month.

3. Tagging and liking other pages on Facebook

Start speaking to admins of relevant pages to start building relationships with other pages that can help you and you can also help in return; this will avoid any bad feeling of spamming.

A great way to get your page out there and draw attention to your brand is by tagging other pages of interest within your posts and articles. The page you are sharing must, of course be relevant and benefit your fans. Your page will be promoted to someone else’s fans and you are also promoting the other page to your fans – win- win!

Like as many relevant pages as possible. This will expose you to many more users and friends.

4. Utilise your friends, address book and leverage your existing social networks

If you have built up a strong Twitter following then use this to help grow the Facebook page. Ask your Twitter followers to share the Facebook page in return you could offer to promote them across Twitter and Facebook in return. You could even create an event, e.g. ‘Share your Facebook page and blog day’ for example

Another key source is your personal friends on facebook – ask them very nicely to like and share your page, also get them to start discussions on your page to get the page looking and feeling really active.

Each month you should import your contacts from your email accounts. This will help to grow your Facebook network as you’re meeting new people through other channels.

5. Promote all your social networks on your main website 

It is so important to have somewhere to promote all your social networks such as Twitter, Linked In, Youtube and Facebook in one place – the best place for this is your company website. Ensure you have buttons designed to feature on your homepage that link through to all your social networks.

You can also integrate Facebook social plugins to encourage connections such as Facebook’s like button and comment stream.  As Facebook visitors increase, your page is more likely to show up on supporters’ news feeds, and those of their friends, prompting people to find out more about your business page.

If you need any help or advice with your social media strategies then please Contact Us. 

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